Plagiarism is the act of lifting the work of others without giving credit to the owner. One can be punished by law due to this practice, But to avoid being in sued by someone because of this I will share you some tips on how you can avoid plagiarism.


First, in doing research, essays, and other paper works, you must practice to make it using your own words. Doing this will prevent you from lifting. Second, you can do paraphrasing. This is where you will get the thoughts of someone else’s work. Just make sure, in doing so you need to be sure that the thoughts will remain the same. Third, you need to include the name of the one who owns what you lift. You can also indicate the link or web address on which you get your researches. Lastly, you need to put quotation marks in putting some phrases that you can’t paraphrase or to the quotations that caught your attention. You can also use the phrases “according to:”,  “and base to” to know that you are giving credit to someone else.


Those are some tips that I know in preventing plagiarism. Hope that this article is helpful base on your needs.

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